In A Place of the Impalpable
Matt Enamel on Wood, Acrylic, Metal Pieces
In geometry, a hypotenuse is the longest side directly opposite
of a right-angled triangle. The perspective of the hypotenuse is compelling in this work, as the hypotenuse indicates the prompt of an ascending stairwell, the hint of a crevice that occupies. At first glance, this detail seems like an innocuous, slightly vexing wedge in the otherwise seamless flow of a structure. Yet it is a fixture that becomes telling in the way it was chosen to reveal laws of space – fragmented visual cues we can recognize in our minds through the suppression of our own containment.
Faris' conviction in having a stake to his own space led to his ongoing inquiry with how we have ordained certain “rights” to spaces. Why are some persons/activities allowed in the
partaking of a space? Inversely, why are they not allowed?
There is a particular fascination with a larger social statement, spaces have become unspoken echo chambers of the irrationality in a legislative system. The artist’s subliminal suggestions planted in each work unravels an unspoken code
of personal restraint and yearning of permission.
An excerpt on the artwork by Euginia Tan.
This artwork was a part of the solo titled Remember This Place For We Will Be Back Here Again Someday that was held at Richard Koh Fine Art, Gillman Barracks.